Thursday, 16 February 2017 -
08:15 to 17:00

British Council Education UK Counsellors’ Symposium 2017 

The annual British Council Counsellors’ Symposium is back!

It is with pleasure that we invite you and your esteemed institution to participate in the annual 7th British Council Counsellors’ Symposium to be held at Lahore.

The one day event caters to the professional development of individuals working with students: career advisors, student counsellors, educational leaders, educational managers and teachers who manage vital co-curricular student profile building.  

The 7th British Council Counsellors’ Symposium features plenary and parallel sessions on a range of contemporary topics focussing on international education trends and international education. The speakers and presenters include leading professionals, trainers and representatives from UK institutions.

The Symposium caters to the professional development and training of advisors and counsellors along with providing opportunities to share best practices, challenges and networking.

Event details:

Date: Thursday, 16 February, 2017

Time: 08:15am to 05:00pm

Venue: Beaconhouse National University (BNU), Tarogil Campus, 13 Km Off Thokar Niazbeg Raiwind Road, Lahore.

Auditorium: School of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences (SLASS), BNU

Programme: attached below


Registration details:

Registration fee is PKR 10, 000/- per participant

Group discounts for a group of five people registering together is PKR 7,000/- per participant


Register at


The registration fee caters to full day participation, attendance of all sessions, refreshments, networking lunch and certificate of participation.

Deadline for registration and payment: Friday, 10 February 2017

Limited seats available.


Mode of payment:

Please send your pay order or bank draft titled as “British Council” to below address:

Ayesha Zaheer


British Council

65 Mozang Road, Lahore


We look forward to meeting you and your colleagues at the Counsellors’ Symposium 2017 at Lahore. 


For any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact us at:

0302-8478342, 0331-5061079, 0300-0201809