WOW Workshops
Saturday, 02 December 2017 -
13:00 to 14:30
Art gallery

Many young men and boys struggle with the daunting societal expectations associated with this life stage, including stereotypical traits associated with masculinity such as aggression and competitiveness. This workshop will address parents of young boys, as well as other family members, educators, and young men themselves, and focus on the psychological skills and styles that can contribute to a healthy boyhood and egalitarian gender roles in society.

Suitable for all ages.

About the workshop facilitators

Kamran Ahmad

Kamran Ahmad has been working as a psychologist in the International Civil Services for almost 20 years. He has a degree in Clinical Psychology and a PhD in Philosophy and Religion, both from California, USA. His research, social work and trainings focus on gender, youth activism and spirituality. He is currently based in Bangkok.

Dr. Gulnaz Anjum

Gulnaz Anjum is Assistant Professor of Psychology in the Department of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts at IBA, Karachi. She holds an MS and a PhD in Social Psychology from The New School in New York and International Max Planck Research School in Germany, respectively. Her research and training areas include intergroup relations, gender inequality, positive well-being, humanism and multiculturalism.

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Workshop, Saturday
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