Son Pari, a 9 year old girl has been living with her family in a remote district of Sindh, Dadu, for as long as she remembers. Son Pari has a severe skin disease that has kept her away from the outside world. 

Yaseen, DOSTI Coordinator of Dadu, has been one of the most passionate members of DOSTI. He believes that this programme has been a life changing experience for him. 

He added, “I have witnessed extraordinary things happening in Dadu since the start of DOSTI. These activities have acted as the most effective approach of informing the community about the importance of basic health, education, activity-based learning and so much more.”

Yaseen was extremely moved by one of the themes, "Be Besakhi aur Ehsas Nidamat", a story revolving around the life of a differently abled boy living a life so different from the rest. This reminded him of Son Pari, who he met once or twice. Yaseen never understood Son Pari’s parents’ decision to hide her. He thought that perhaps they’re being overprotective about their child. At the same time, he knew that it’s a temporary solution that might help her survive in the world but in the long run, this decision would prove to be more harmful for Son Pari. Yaseen tried convincing the parents to enroll Son Pari in one of the DOSTI Schools but they would always decline.

He took his time to build a relationship with Son Pari and later on asked her to come along to one of the DOSTI Schools. She started attending storytelling sessions and enjoyed the beautiful messages they had. However, she sat back during games, mainly to avoid any additional interaction with other people but with time she started taking interest in them too. As time passed, other students became really fond of her and started calling her Gul, due to her resemblance with a flower. She even made a friend, who gave Son Pari emotional support in the absence of Yaseen. Considering, how quickly she was growing on a daily basis, Yaseen asked her if she was willing to be part of the school. Son Pari was enrolled in GPS Makoo Panhwar, and has been provided the tools by which she will realize her full potential. 

Son Pari has been receiving treatment for her skin disease which requires Rs. 1500 per day. Her family is too poor to afford the costs, but with the help of two teachers and Yaseen, she is getting all the required treatment she needs to live a happy and healthy life.

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