About WOW - Women of the World festival
WOW – Women of the World festival is a global movement launched by Jude Kelly CBE at Southbank Centre London in 2010, celebrating women and girls and looking at the obstacles that stop them from achieving their potential. In 2018 Kelly left the Southbank Centre to run The WOW Foundation full time as an independent charitable entity working to build, convene and sustain a global movement that believes a gender equal world is possible and desirable through festivals and empowering women and girls.
To date, WOW has reached over 2 million people worldwide. The WOW Foundation produces WOW festivals across the world to celebrate women and girls, take a frank look at what prevents them from achieving their potential, and raise awareness globally of the issues they face and possible solutions. It is the biggest, most comprehensive and most significant festival dedicated to presenting work by women and promoting equality for women and girls. WOW Festivals are presented by arrangement with Southbank Centre. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more details on the programme.
We are committed to having an environmentally responsible WOW Karachi Festival 2019 and are working closely with our partners to plan and implement a festival which will reflect green event best practices. Read our full Environmental Statement of Intent below.