Image credit: Heritage Foundation Pakistan

Gender Ecologies: New Perspectives brings together a group of women from Pakistan to build, decorate and demonstrate the use of a chulah, designed by award-winning Pakistani architect Yasmeen Lari. A chulah is a traditional Pakistani outdoor earthen cooking stove. The project aims to enable women to self-build for greater safety and dignity in the preparation of food, and to highlight the central role of women in the climate revolution.

The live build will take place in Granary Square in London and host a programme of activities alongside the women building - sharing stories, knowledge and skills between women from Pakistan and the UK with the public. The week of programming will include cooking sessions, talks, workshops and other activities, especially promoting the voices of young women. The project will take place in late May, with more information to come!

This project is commissioned by the British Council and Heritage Foundation Pakistan. It has received additional support from INTBAUWorld Habitat, Bank of Punjab and Zero Carbon Eco Centre.

Alongside the Pakistani chulah build, a 2-day event will platform voices from Pakistan, the UK and beyond to explore the intersections of gender and climate.

Full events programme

Wednesday 25 May


Roti making workshop


Spoken word by Anisa Butt

 11.15 – 12pm:

New Perspectives – from past to present

Moderated by academic Komal Fatima, students from University of Lahore in Pakistan will share more about constructing as a woman, for safety, dignity and climate action

 1 – 1.45pm:

Cooking things up with Yasmeen Lari

Short stories on why the Pakistan chulah (earthern cooker) is important in Pakistan for marginalised women, with a chance to hear about the award-winning design from Yasmeen Lari, Abigail Stoltzfus from World Habitat, and Pakistani artisans Dhani and Sampa

 2 – 3pm:

Makli Namah – Stories from Makli

A circle of women who visited UNESCO World Heritage site Makli in Pakistan will share stories about the special site that weaves heritage, rituals, miracles and sustainability into future vernaculars and climate-smart practices. Beginning with Yasmeen Lari, who will share folktales from her late husband Suhail Zaheer Lari’s writings, followed by artisans Sampa and Dhani, Harriet Wennberg, Sumayya Vally, Safeeyah Moosa, Laila Jamil and Parvinder Marwaha sharing their experiences .

3 – 6pm

Pakistan-UK Season: New Perspectives event

Join the British Council, Heritage Foundation Pakistan and INTBAU teams to meet the architects, educators, artists and women involved in the gender ecologies project to support and highlight the role of women in climate care.


Short introduction to programme from Yasmeen Lari from Heritage Foundation, Harriet Wennberg from INTBAU and the British Council team

 4 – 4.45pm:

Sufi singer, songwriter and musician Sarah Yaseen takes us into the world of Sufi music with a set to celebrate Pakistani culture

 5 – 6pm:

DJ Mahnoor (she/her) playing some tunes!

Thursday 26 May

 10 - 10.45am: Roti making workshop
 10.45 - 11am:

Luddi circle dancing

Join Sonia Sebhai and learn some traditional Pakistani dancing

 11 - 11.30am:  Stories through Food by chef and Numra Siddiqui
11.30 - 12pm:   Poet Shamsad Khan responds to new perspectives
 12 - 1pm:

 Empoweristan: perspectives from Pakistani diaspora women

Joined by a group of women working across permaculture, community and entrepreneurship, moderator Ghazala Akbar will highlight the importance of supporting marginalised women and the power of community

 1 - 3pm:  DJ Nadine (they/them)

3 - 5pm:

DJ Aisha Mirza(they/them)

5 – 5.45pm:

Sufi singer, songwriter and musician Sarah Yaseen takes us into the world of Sufi music with a set to celebrate Pakistani culture
