The British Council, the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities, in partnership with the WOW Foundation, a UK based independent organisation working to build, convene and sustain a global movement to advance the empowerment of women and girls, and curating partners Entrepreneurship and Community Development Institute (ECDI) and Olomopolo Media are set to host the first ever virtual Women of the World (WOW) festival in Pakistan, from 5 to 8 March.

Centered on the theme ‘Unmask’, the four-day virtual festival will explore a range of social, economic and environmental issues particularly significant to women and girls that have been unmasked by the pandemic.While the past year has brought to light many areas where women are being left behind, it has also showcased the incredible things that they have achieved despite the challenging circumstances.

The festival has moved online but its ambitions remain the same - WOW Virtual Pakistan 2021 will celebrate and connect women and girls, hold space for their stories and foster critical conversations about change at a time when it is most needed. This will be done through panel discussions, interactive workshops, talks, performances, children’s storytelling and more. The talks, panels and conversations at this event will be Pakistan Sign Language (PSL) interpreted and captioned.