Book your IELTS test in Pakistan

We are pleased to announce that from 9 March 2025 all IELTS tests will be delivered on computer only, providing a faster, more efficient, and streamlined testing experience for test takers.

IELTS on Paper and IELTS on Computer have the same test format, questions and scoring. IELTS on Computer also offers significant benefits to test takers at no additional cost:

IELTS on Paper and IELTS on Computer have the same test format, questions, scoring. IELTS on Computer also offers significant benefits to test takers at no additional cost: 

  • Faster results: Receive your results in 1-3 days
  • Shorter booking period: Booking options available as late as 2-3 days before registration closes
  • More test dates: Choose from more days throughout the week.
  • One Skill Retake, which is only available with IELTS on Computer, allows you to retake just one part of the test – Listening, Speaking, Reading or Writing


We will gradually be phasing out IELTS on Paper, so you will begin to see fewer test dates available with enhanced capacity. Register early to secure your seat. 

To learn more about IELTS on Computer, view our familiarisation test and tutorial videos. 

When you book the IELTS exam in Pakistan with the British Council, you also get included in your test fee:

  • Free access to 'IELTS Ready Premium', this exclusive IELTS preparation pack includes 40+ free IELTS practise tests, model answers, feedback from IELTS experts and more.
  • Five extra Test Report Forms for free that we send free of charge to institutions you’re applying to (e.g. immigration offices, universities etc.)

IELTS online test booking in Pakistan

You can do your IELTS registration in Pakistan at one of our official test centres. You can also choose to do IELTS on paper or IELTS on a computer. All you need is a valid identification document and a bank card, if you want to pay online.

Important Note: To ensure the safety of the students and venue staff, and in accordance with the Government of Pakistan guidelines, it is mandatory for all candidates (ages 12+) to bring their Covid-19 vaccination certificates/cards to exam venues or show vaccination confirmation on SMS on the day of the exam. Candidates who are unable to provide proof of vaccination will not be allowed to give their exam and may apply for a Test Date Transfer or Refund.

Test type  Location  Fee (in PKR) – Effective from 10 Feb 2025  Book 
IELTS Academic and General Training – in centre - on paper  Peshawar, Abbottabad, Mirpur  64,200  Book Now
IELTS Academic and General Training – in centre - on paper  Quetta  73,900  Book Now
IELTS Academic and General Training – in centre - on paper (includes 15% general sales tax levied by the provincial government)   Islamabad, Karachi, Hyderabad  73,900  Book Now
IELTS Academic and General Training – in centre - on paper (includes 16% general sales tax levied by the provincial government)   Jhelum, Gujrat, Bahawalpur, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Lahore, Sargodha, Sialkot, Mandi Bahauddin, Multan & Sahiwal  74,500 Book Now
IELTS Academic and General Training – in centre - on computer  Islamabad 66,400 Book Now
IELTS Academic and General Training – in centre - on computer  Karachi, Sukkur, Hyderabad and Quetta 66,400  Book Now
IELTS Academic and General Training – in centre - on computer  Lahore, Multan, Faisalabad, Sargodha, Sahiwal, Sialkot, Gujranwala, Bahawalpur, Mandi Bahauddin and Gujrat   67,100  Book Now
IELTS Academic and General Training – in centre - on computer  Peshawar, Abbotabad, Mirpur  64,000  Book Now
IELTS for UK Visas and Immigration - in centre – on computer (Academic and General Training)  Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar, Multan, Faisalabad,  Sargodha, Sahiwal, Sialkot, Gujranwala, Bahawalpur, Mandi Bahauddin, Abbotabad, Mirpir and Gujrat  60,500  Book Now
IELTS for UKVI Life Skills (A1 and B1) - in centre  Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Mirpur  46,700 Book Now


How to do your IELTS registration in Pakistan:

  1. Ensure you have a valid passport or national ID card at hand. Please note candidates under 18 years of age have to provide written consent from a parent or guardian to apply for an IELTS test.

  2. Download and read Information for Candidates (available in English and Urdu), which contains important information about the IELTS test format, the question types and the test results. Please note that IELTS is not recommended for test takers under the age of 16.

Pay for your test. You can pay for your IELTS test booking fees in Pakistan in one of the following ways:

  • Pay Offline:
  • As a most economical way, you can pay by interbank transfer (IBFT) through Online banking or ATM. Find out the payment process details here.
  • You can deposit cash at your local Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) / Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB). Use our bank details to make the payment.
  • You can pay by bank draft (made payable to ‘British Council Pakistan’). Bank Drafts should be sent to our office locations.
  • Pay online: You can pay your IELTS exam fee via credit card.

(Note: Card transactions conducted in Pakistani Rupee at online / international merchants are settled by the merchant in a foreign currency, thus credit card payments can differ from prices displayed due to the variable forex rates)

Cheques are not accepted.

4. After you pay for your IELTS test, if there's a seat available on your chosen test date, within 3 days you will get an email confirming your registration date. If there is no seat available on your chosen test dates, you will be moved to your next preferred date or the soonest available date.

IELTS test date booking confirmation

 After you book the IELTS test,  you will immediately get an email confirming the start time and venue address. You will also be able to choose when you want to do the IELTS Speaking Test — you can do it on your main test day or within a week before or after that date, as long as there is available space. You will also receive your IELTS Reference Number to access the Test Taker Portal. Please make sure that you have included your email address correctly when you book your test.   

Important Note: If you do not receive any registration confirmation emails from our side within 48 hours of your payment time, email your payment proof and IELTS registration reference number to

Timelines for IELTS Fee Payment and Registration Confirmation

All IELTS fee payments should be received by the British Council within 3 days from your registration and 3 days before your first exam (IELTS Speaking or main exam, whichever comes earliest). The British Council working days in Pakistan are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.  

If you make an online payment for IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training within our working hours, your registration will be confirmed via email within the same day..

If you make online payment for IELTS for UKVI or IELTS for UKVI Life Skills, we will confirm your registration on the same day, or the next working day. 

If you make offline payment for IELTS Academic, IELTS General Training, IELTS for UKVI or IELTS for UKVI Life Skills we will confirm your registration on the next working day. 

The British Council’s working days in Pakistan are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

You can check your IELTS fee payment and registration confirmation status at your Test Taker Portal.

Group Bookings

If you are an institution or language school and would like your students to take the test at your premises (bulk registration), please complete this form .